Captain's Log, Stardate 11012.30

What a lot of people may not realize about me is that, deep down where no one dares to look for fear of losing any and all sanity belonging to them by accidentally glimpsing the dark mass of chaos commonly referred to as my "soul," I have a unintentionally secret love for Star Trek. As far as I'm concerned, I grew up watching TNG and Voyager in much the same way that my mom grew up on the original Star Trek series - in fact, assuming she started watching sometime in the first or second season, we started watching Star Trek at roughly the same age - despite the fact that we didn't even have cable/satellite TV until I was at least eight. Though, it's entirely possible that I didn't actually start watching Star Trek until I was a few years older, given that the majority of my life before I entered high school all seems to have bled together to create one big "what the fuck is this?" memory.

My fondness for the series shows through in a small dose whenever the topic of why our parents chose our names comes up. I pretend to be vaguely embarrassed by it when I claim that I was named after a Star Trek character. This is a lie in two senses: (a) I'm not really named after Deanna Troi according to my mother, apparently she simply liked the name, and (b) I'm not really  embarrassed about it. On the bright side, the show's been around long enough to make my lie completely plausible. 

Perhaps it was Star Trek's influence on my childhood that eventually led to the dream of a post-apocalyptic world where Martians are seeking refuge on Earth only to be turned away when the humans admit that Earth isn't habitable for those present, let alone 3 million more individuals, which leads to the two races banding together and sending crew out to space in search of a new home for both peoples? Said dream, which occurred at least a year past, led to a story idea that I'd abandoned for a long time. But I picked it up again yesterday, because I- I don't even know why, really - and I have been tweaking it to make it better ever since. 

So, I was doing research for this story. Research for me, generally, consists of having random thoughts like, "I wonder which scene of Romeo and Juliet the internet thinks would be the best one to crash a UFO during?" or, "Is there an official sound for the noise the doors in Star Trek make when the open/close?" Neither of these questions were answered by Google, and only served to distract me in the long run. 

I realize today's post is severely lacking in humor. That's because I'm currently failing at humor as a result of my immense anticipation of watching the first episode of Voyager in approximately thirty seconds. Also, I've no patience for Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation at the moment.

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