About Me

</shamless plugging>

Honestly, I don't want to go through my entire first post all over again. So we'll start with some generic information, yeah?

Name: Deanna is my name, but I've been called AJ, in reference to an internet alias I used to be real careful about maintaining, before, and I'm comfortable responding to both of them.
Age: 18, currently.
Likes: Reading, writing, art, photography, music, sleep, chocolate, coffee, and pajamas
Dislikes: There are a lot of these, and, honestly, anyone who reads this blog will soon discover a large number of them in the process.

Color(s): Black combined with almost any bright color, particularly red or neon green. I'm so unique, aren't I?
Foods:  My favorite food is cow, srsly. Second favorite is probably coffee, which I'm not sure counts as a food, given that I do not eat coffee beans, I drink coffee tea.
Beverages: Coffee, and "diet" soda.
Activities: For all that I claim to be a misanthrope, I actually enjoy conversing with other intelligent individuals. I'm very, very fond of writing. I'm not as fond of reading, but that's because I spend all my time writing on my novel - which you will end up learning more about later.

Bio: Born and raised in Oregon, I have been living in it all my life. I was the president of a robotics team - which you'll no doubt hear about later - and am currently a senior in high school. When I was a sophomore, I went with my school's choir and sang at Carnegie Hall in New York City, which was a great experience for me. I also traveled to Seattle, WA, with the robotics team and, while we didn't win the competition, we did bring home the spirit trophy, and I had a blast while we were actually earning the trophy.

My Plan: Ultimately, I plan to go to college and become an English teacher to facilitate my hopes of getting published by having a job that I can actually live with. Then, after I'm rich and famous, I can "retire" at, like, thirty, and still have enough money left over for my grandchildren to live off of. </totally improbable> I do plan to get published. I'm not quite as concerned about the whole fame and fortune bit, though.

That's good enough for now, I say.